Thanks to the hard work of Tommy Tucker and his Dad, Thomas Tucker, a nice, large pasture has been planted on Hester Farms – Hanson. Migratory Canada Geese while needing grains in the winter months depend on and are strongly attracted to pasture grasses. Before last season we built the pond on the Hanson Farm and to make it more attractive have added this large grass pasture adjacent to the Hanson Pond. All our farms are managed for the migratory geese and this addition will have positive impacts on WWM’s hunting program.
On the breeding grounds that is; biologists have determined that an average temperature of 32 degrees from May 4th until May 24th on the Ungava Peninsula in the far north of Quebec where our migratory Canada Geese breed is one of the parameters. Last year the temp. was right and yielded a great hatch. I have monitored the temperature this year and we are on tract for another great hatch. This temperature variant is a dominate factor to the wintering goose populations on the Eastern Shore. Look for an increased population this winter! Spring before last, the temperature was abysmal, well below 32 degrees and the hatch never occurred – so much for global warming!
Newly installed ice eaters on the Hester Home Farm and Hanson Farm as well as new deep-water wells are showing their value so that on those very cold days there is open water for the birds. Further, we have fertilized all our pastures – it is all about nutrients – the geese must have them, so we are intent to provide them.
Wild Wings Maryland is an exclusive opportunity. We do not have an interest in numbers. High numbers of hunters make it a “roll of the dice” as to success rates. Our mantra is that you cannot “Wal-Mart” waterfowl hunting. We take only one blind of four hunters per day with the exception on certain dates when we only take two blinds. Always remember that the family is invited! We have ample room for all those not hunting but who would enjoy the Lodge, Chestertown and so on. There is no additional charge.